Apr 4, 2009
Peter Sollett's short film FIVE FEET HIGH AND RISING (2000) took top honors at both the Sundance and Cannes Film Festivals, and served as the basis for his first feature, RAISING VICTOR VARGAS (2002), which is firmly situated among the upper crust of modern independent films. Sollett followed up VARGAS last year with his first commercial feature, the sweet and surprising NICK & NORAH'S INFINITE PLAYLIST (2008), starring Michael Cera. He is currently developing an adaptation of Dave Eggers' novel YOU SHALL KNOW OUR VELOCITY.

8 1/2 (dir. Fellini, 1963)
I think this is the best film ever made about filmmaking -- although it's genius allows it to transcend that label. Masterful visual story telling. Virtuoso shotmaking. And perhaps the greatest film score of all time.

Il Posto (dir. Olmi, 1961)
Minimal, precise and devastating. If you haven't seen this do it now. Now, I tell you. [Ed. Note -- Criterion has made this film available to view online for $5.00]

The Bicycle Thief (dir. DeSica, 1948)
So simple. So concise. So moving. Sure, other people have said it... but can you really say it enough?

Saturday Night Fever (dir. Badham, 1977)
This film is a masterpiece. Stuck in the unfortunate shadow of it's connection to disco music people seem to forget how dark, powerful and rich it truly is. A more accurate and unflinching portrait of a subculture has rarely been filmed.

The 400 Blows (dir. Truffaut, 1959)
I've never have I seen it without crying. If you don't connect to Antoine as a protagonist... well, disregard this whole list. You're obviously a lost soul.